I started this site in 2008 soon after I realized that there is hardly anything more precious to my bibliophile heart than the sight of a well designed and thoughtfully stocked home library, no matter how much I enjoy using some of the very best public and academic libraries in the world. Sadly, my own book collection is still in need of adequate housing, so I am using this blog as a tool to become more familiar with all sorts of aspects of home library ownership: shelving, workspace, bookplates etc. Some day I hope to share the fruits of this learning process. For now, I invite you to explore the fascinating world of home libraries. It is my hope that more people will be inspired with the idea of creating a special space in their homes where serenity becomes one with knowledge and the printed word reigns supreme.
If you are just starting to think about creating a home library, I would suggest you first determine what type of home library you would like to have. The next step in planning a home library, in my opinion, is to decide on some book purchases that are essential for any collection. Then you need to figure out what book sets you might want to have in your library (this greately depends on you tastes etc.). If you are leaning towards a display or decorative type of library, consider getting some antique books or, if you can't afford them, antique-looking books and faux books. Only at this stage you are ready to plan the purchase of bookcases that will house these books, depending on their formats and condition (especially if you have true antiques). At the same time you need to pay some attention to the lighting of you library area. Finally, adorn your shelves and bookcases with traditional library design elements.